Level Up Your Practice with Our VT Practice Management Toolkit!

Want to add vision therapy (VT) to your optometry practice but don’t know where to start?

Whether you’re launching a VT-only clinic, integrating VT into primary care, or looking to optimize an existing program, we’ve been there. Even with a business degree, building a thriving VT practice felt overwhelming—but through a lot of hard work and a lot of fails along the way, I grew from uncertainty to running three successful clinics, serving 200+ patients weekly.

Now, my team and I have helped clinics across the U.S. and Canada, averaging a 274% increase in profitability and 181% growth in patient volume. But not everyone can bring us in for an onsite consultation—so we built the VT Practice Management Toolkit.

This toolkit gives you everything I wish I had when I started:
Marketing strategies to attract patients
Proven systems to convert and retain them
Therapist training system to ensure quality care
Insurance billing guidance to maximize revenue

You’ll also get a kickoff call and two personalized consultation calls to help implement these strategies in your practice. Plus, an optional Google Drive with 100+ resources—from forms to marketing templates—used by clinics across North America.

Ready to take VT to the next level? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

What's Included?

🔹 Six months of expert consultation & guidance
🔹 Comprehensive video training on key topics, including:

  • Marketing strategies to attract patients
  • Financial insights for practice growth
  • Proven systems for signing up VT patients
  • Effective vision therapist training
  • Smart billing strategies
  • Navigating medical insurance for VT

🔹 $750 in free equipment through our Emerging or Autoship Member Programs

Everything you need to successfully grow and streamline your VT practice! 🚀

Choose a Pricing Option

Your instructor

Benjamin C. Winters, OD, FCOVD

Dr. Winters is board-certified in vision development and vision therapy. He started a vision therapy center in Yakima, Washington which grew to include 3 clinics, with 15 vision therapists, and over 200 patients in weekly vision therapy. He then started Emergent VT which specializes in next-level vision therapy take-home equipment, online self-paced vision therapy training for doctors and therapists, and world-class practice management consulting. His consulting team has provided consulting to clinics throughout the United States and Canada. His advocacy for children that struggle with life-altering developmental vision problems has included over 100 lectures in colleges, professional groups, parent groups, and schools. He is one of the founders of Building Vision, a non-profit that raises awareness and funds for individuals struggling with these vision problems and which has given free screenings to almost 1000 children in the Yakima area.